Tuesday, July 17, 2007

So this is a little out of order ...

But here are some photos we took prior to Gotcha Day while in Shanghai. We loved this city, however 4 days was enough.

Tourist in Beijing

So now we are just killing time - but at least there are some beautiful and poigent places in this amazing city - The Summer Palace and Tianamen Square.

Last Stop Beijing

By the time we arrived in Beijing (July 8th) we were all ready to go home. But first we had to climb the Great Wall and Alison needed a medical at the international clinic in order to get her entry visa to Canada.

Ross (carrying Alison - who does not appreciate the grandeur of the moment), Jason, his sister Shannon and I made it to the top. It was hot and smoggy but worth the climb - definitely a "pinch me" moment.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

More Pics

These photos were taken at Alison's Orphanage in Guiping and her finding place. We rented a bus, drove for 4 hours (each way) just to see where our daughters began their lives. The orphanage director meet us for lunch. Alison was found on the day of her birth at Qiu Liu Pavillion (a pagoda surrounded by the banana plants). She was taken to Guiping Social Welfare Institute that day - and began her journey to join our family.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Proud Parents

July 3rd our adoption is final. Alison is now officially a member of our family. She still seems a little sceptical, but were are sure she will come around.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Gotcha Day

Hi All,

Monday was an incredibly emotional day. Especially for Alison. She is settling in, eating and sleeping well. She is discriminating with her smiles but they light up the room.

We had some fun playing in the pool, to help combat the heat and humidity here in Nanning. Alison definately likes the water.

Today we are touring Nanning. Our local guide, Professor Wu has been a blessing. He loves children and all our our groups girls respond to his kindness.

Stay tuned - we will keep you posted as we can